Anticipating the King of Glory: A Reflection on Psalm 24

In the midst of this daily grind, the Advent season invites us to be honest about the struggles and darkness, acknowledging the uphill battle we face each day.

Sunday we explored how Psalm 24 provides solace and hope amid life's struggles. The psalm unveils a powerful narrative of God conspiring to spread His glory and compassionately attending to those who seek Him. As we delve into the insights from this sermon, we discover a profound message that resonates with the Advent spirit.

God is Conspiring

Contrary to the negative connotations of conspiracy, Psalm 24 presents a divine conspiracy. The Creator of the universe is actively at work, orchestrating events behind the scenes to build His kingdom and fill the earth with His glory. The psalmist declares, "The earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof," affirming God's ownership and purposeful engagement with His creation.

The anticipation of the coming King, revealed in Psalm 24, is a reminder that God's conspiracy is not mere maintenance but a proclamation of His glory for our good. In the shadows of Advent, when despair looms, we are encouraged to take heart, for God is tirelessly at work, conspiring to fulfill His redemptive plan.

God is Compassionate

The psalm prompts a vital question: How do we, as imperfect beings, approach the Creator of the universe? Psalm 24:3-4 outlines a standard seemingly unattainable—clean hands, a pure heart, and avoidance of false idols and deceit. Yet this is not a call to moral perfection but an acknowledgment that such purity is beyond our ability to obtain it.

The compassion of God shines through as we recognize that Jesus, the King of Glory, fulfills these requirements on our behalf. His sacrifice on the cross washes away our stains, making us blameless before the presence of God. In Christ, we find the innocence that allows us to stand in the presence of the Lord, not through our efforts but through His grace.

God is Coming Soon

The psalm culminates in a triumphant declaration of the King of Glory coming soon. The gates are called to lift up their heads, and the ancient doors are to be opened, welcoming the Lord, strong and mighty, the divine warrior. This anticipation is echoed in the New Testament, where believers are encouraged to wait actively, knowing that the King will return, leading His saints to victory.

As we wait with anticipation, we are reminded that our waiting is not passive. It is rooted in the active presence of the seed of salvation that has already been planted within us. Henri Nouwen's words beautifully capture the essence of Christian community: "Christian community is the place where we keep the flame alive...waiting together, nurturing what has already begun, expecting its fulfillment."

Psalm 24 serves as a poignant reminder that our lives are not a futile repetition of Sisyphean tasks. God is actively conspiring to spread His glory, compassionate to those who seek Him, and the King of Glory is coming soon. This Advent season, may we wait with anticipation, lifting our heads in hope, and nurturing the flame of the promise that has already begun within us. Take heart, for your life is part of a grander narrative, and all of this is going somewhere glorious.


December 6, 2023


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