February 14, 2024
Sunday we press on and catch more of the vision of the power of God according to what Christ has accomplished. It is pretty important for the church! 10 am, 2437 S Centre City PKWY in Escondido.
Love Esco Project | Reservoir is leading the charge to provide gift bags to SAI teachers in Escondido. These teacher tirelessly serve students with special needs and we want to bless them. Visit the Amazon wish list (https://shorturl.at/jkmK6) to order items or bring them to Reservoir before February 25. Then plan to help pack the bags on the 25th!
March 9 | Mark your calendar for Saturday, March 9 as we plan out next Advance San Deigo session. 9-12 in Oceanside, teaching on creating a leadership culture in the church and hosting with the presence of God. Register online here (https://shorturl.at/qAMNY)