Truthing in Love
Continuing our study of Ephesians on Sunday we reach a text that permits us to live your truth. There is a certain appeal to it. Let’s dive in, Sunday at 10 am, 515 W Valley Parkway in Escondido. Arrive at 9:30 for local coffee and Peterson’s Donut Holes.
Children’s Ministry at the Club | A few weeks in to our new gathering space and we are making some adjustments for CM. When the kids are dismissed, parents can accompany their little ones to the nursery by going through the kitchen and down the hallway. The elementary kids should LINE UP & WAIT for the teacher to lead them to their classroom (using the same route through the kitchen). This procedure is less chaotic and allows for a better transition for the kids as they leave the service. Parents: Please let your elementary aged kids know they should not run off to the classroom on their own, but should wait for their teacher.
Youth Boogie Woogie | Sunday, April 21 after service. Plan on lacing up your skates for a rad time with some oldies. RSVP to Jono or Stacy.
Women’s Brunch | Saturday, May 25th from 9:30 to 11:30 at the Hansen’s. RSVP to Jacki Schwantner.