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Slaves of God
“But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the fruit you get leads to sanctification and its end, eternal life.” -Romans 6:22
In Christ, as you believe in him, you are no longer a slave to the sin that reigned in your life beforehand. You have been identified with Christ; literally dyed, or changed into the color of Christ; made his.
This is the garment you wear: his righteousness and your eternal security in him. You are now a slave to righteousness, of God. This is actually the ultimate in freedom, to be obedient and given the gifts of grace by our Savior. It is what you were meant for, why you were born. In this freedom, you are headed somewhere.
The fruit of sin was shame and hurt; but the fruit of belief in Jesus is grace, leading to sanctification — becoming like Christ. The desires for sin die away. Your purpose in life is clarified and empowered. Your faith grows, and trust in God's control and goodness becomes your nature. This ends, or rather goes on forever, in eternal life.
The chains that once held you captive are removed; you are free and have become one of God's people. You are free to live, free of sin. In that gift, you are changing as you arrive at the destination of full life.
Today, rejoice in your Master's providence and care for you. Rejoice in the gift of sanctification that is working in you miraculous transformation. Rejoice in your identity in Christ and where it is leading you.
This is an excerpt from Depths, a daily devotional by Jonathan Shradar.