Highlights from partners and worthwhile bits

Search Good Stuff

Jonathan Shradar Jonathan Shradar

January 1, 2020


Sunday, January 5 is our annual celebration service. We will sing, reflect, share, and take communion together to mark the goodness of Christ over the last year and pray forward into 2020. This is a family service so everyone will be together. 10 am, 2437 S Centre City PKWY in Escondido. Come build with us!

Men’s Prayer | This Saturday, January 4 at 8 am. The guys will be meeting up in the church parking lot for an hour of prayer for our church, city, and the kingdom. Come along.

2 Corinthians Journals | We have Scripture journals available for purchase for our upcoming study. Pick up yours on Sundays. Suggested donation is only $2 and we are encouraging each individual to have one for the series.

Buddy Break | Resolve in 2020 to volunteer for Buddy Break! Opportunities are available for families, home groups, couples, and individuals! Our next Buddy Break will be on 1/11/20 at 9 am. Will you join us? Email buddybreak@reservoir.church to confirm. 

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Reservoir The Word | Start the year off right by subscribing to our daily podcast where we read and pray through Scripture. Find “Reservoir The Word” on your favorite podcast app or Spotify.

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