Cashing In
“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” -Matthew 13:44
If wish and pray that I would treasure Christ more. I am too far often distracted by wasteful things. Paltry things. When right before me is the treasure of surpassing worth, the greatest of things ever imagined, the kingdom of heaven, my Savior, a relationship with the creator and sustainer of the universe.
Maybe that is you too. But here is the beauty of Jesus' care for you at this moment: he keeps himself in front of you, and he too longs for you to treasure him. He knows it is what you were made for, and it is the only way for you to thrive. He wants you to cash in, to rest in his accomplished work, to experience his way of life and his purpose. He bought the field for you, and he secured your treasure.
Who knows what will attempt to steal your attention today, or what will war for valuation in the challenge of life, but we can know this: the ultimate treasure is a gift to you. Jesus is yours, and you can party all the more knowing that there is nothing you need to do to possess the treasure. It is yours for the taking, and there is nothing better.
Treasure Jesus today. He is worth it and worthy of it. He loves you enough to give himself for (and to) you. Cash in.
This post is an excerpt from Depths a daily devotional by Jonathan Shradar.