Prince of Peace
Lighting the second candle in our Advent wreaths this Sunday, we turn to Peace. What is the peace this Light of the World brings? How is it both a present and future reality? And how can we share it at Christmas time? 10 am, 515 W Valley Parkway in Escondido. Children’s Ministry and Nursery will be available.
Christmas Bash | Tonight, 6:30 pm. We will gather at the Hansens’ in lieu of small groups to celebrate the season with a talent show and fellowship. Please RSVP to the invite and indicate what you will be bringing!
Are You Man Enough | Wednesday mornings, 6:30 am, Mens’ Bible Study. We meet at the Panera in Carmel Mt. to connect, read, discuss, and pray. Why don’t you add this to the mix as you are formed in Christ? More info, holler at Dave Hansen.
Christmas Eve Carol Service | Tuesday, December 24, 6 pm. We will gather at the Columbus Club for carols and Scripture to mark Christmas as a family together. Join us for this one hour event.