
No Hunger or Thirst


"All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out." -John 6:37 

Jesus tells the listening crowd that he is the bread of life. All that come to him will have no hunger. All that believe in him shall never thirst. John 6 is a huge moment in the ministry of Jesus, and I wonder how much it reflects the way many of us approach him. 

Thousands of people have been miraculously fed by this “Prophet” who has come. He has walked on water. The signs point to his anointing. But he is only pursued for the blessing he gives. The people just want more food. They don't desire to worship or declare that he is God. No, they want a king who gives them a daily ration. To this desire, Jesus tells them that he was the manna in the wilderness, and they need to eat of him. 

This is too hard of a saying for the people to swallow, and all but twelve leave him. We can see this as terribly discouraging and analyze a better way to build a ministry. But in the midst of the preaching of truth and the call to consume Jesus, come words of peace and security that we can cling to. 

All who believe will have no hunger and no thirst. Their needs will be met, and whoever comes to Jesus, he will never cast out. Let that arrive at the door of your soul and knock for a moment. 

All who the Father God determines will be saved WILL come to Jesus, and those who come to Jesus will never be cast out. They will be kept. They won't be turned away or scared off. They are secure. 

Have you believed in Jesus? That he is the God-man who lived a life of perfect obedience for you and died a death you never wanted to? That he rose on the third day and ascended to his rightful place on the throne in heaven? If you have believed, you will not be cast out. 

Jesus knows everything about you. Your past, your future, and your present. He knows the decisions you are going to make and the mistakes ahead. And he loves you. His atoning work on the cross still applies and will forever. He will never send you away. He will not cast you out.

Rest, friends. Jesus is keeping you. You are his. You can live a little bigger today knowing that your station is secure. Let's live.

This is an excerpt from Depths a daily devotional written by Jonathan Shradar.

The Clear Path


And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead them along the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, that they might travel by day and by night. The pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night did not depart from before the people. -Exodus 13:21–22 

God's care for his people is on purpose and abundant. He even directs them by symbols of his presence, the pillars of cloud or fire. Israel has a clear path to follow, and there is no denying where God wants them to go. Of course this doesn't keep them from grumbling and wanting to go back, but he goes before them. 

Fast forward to your life. You have put faith in Jesus for salvation, and now you wonder if God could come and give you a few signs along the way. “Why don't you give me a pillar of fire to light my way?!” we cry out. How much easier life would be if we had this type of direction! 

But actually, we do. God's Word is a lamp unto our feet (Psalm 119:105), and our Savior is our pillar. The author of Hebrews tells us to run our race looking to Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:1-2). Jesus is the one we stare at for direction and provision. 

This doesn't necessarily mean you will always have an answer to the mundane “left or right?” questions in daily life, but you will have purpose and a place to look. 

Today as you contemplate the direction of your life and where you will find hope, look to Jesus. See his finished work for you, and open his Word to see what he declares about you and your life.

This is an excerpt from Depths a daily devotional written by Jonathan Shradar.