
How to Live


"And the tempter came and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread.” But he answered, “It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.'” -Matthew 4:3–4

The temptation of Christ. It is a great comfort to his followers, that he was tempted in every way we may be, yet he remained obedient to God the Father. He did that for you. It was part of his perfect life lived on your behalf, his righteousness that is given to you.

Not only are you clothed with his perfection, but also you are given the key to life, living by every word that comes from the mouth of God. Jesus, empowered by the same Holy Spirit that empowers you, quotes Scripture to resist Satan and his tempting scheme.

If you are consuming a meal of the Bible on a regular basis, keep it up. This is life. In the Word of God, you are reminded of your place as a chosen child of God, that guilt has no place and that you are no longer a slave to sin. These reminders help us recognize and resist the lies that come our way. Our food and fulfillment are in Christ. May the Lord remind you and drive this deep into your soul so that you are full and equipped to turn down the enticing meals of the temper.

Humble Repentance


"And when he was in distress, he entreated the favor of the LORD his God and humbled himself greatly before the God of his fathers. He prayed to him, and God was moved by his entreaty and heard his plea and brought him again to Jerusalem into his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that the LORD was God." -2 Chronicles 33:12–13

Resolved: experience what Manasseh experienced in this moment. Here in Israel's history we see the fruit of repentance in the Old Testament: to live a life of humble reliance on the Lord, to repent from sin and turn to God instead.

In the New Testament, God's goodness, mercy, and favor are all ours in Christ; his loving kindness brings us to repentance and newness of life. We can't neglect repentance.

We can't avoid this humbling that the Lord has called us to. Because Jesus worked to save us, we no longer have to hide behind our false pride and favorite sins. Now, because there is no condemnation, we can turn it all over to Jesus and run to him instead of to those things.

Today, stay close to Christ. Let his grace and love bring you low, to humble repentance. Then turn from those lesser things and cling to the Savior.