
Presently Helped


God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling.” -Psalm 46:1–3

This was the truth of Israel's worship; God was their refuge and strength and a very present help in time of need. It is a truth meant to shape all of life, how we respond to events and circumstances and determine what we value most.

In Christ, this truth is made all the more brilliant. Our refuge was our substitute in the greatest of troubles, a trouble of atoning for sin that we could never meet. He is our strength in the gift of new and abundant life through his resurrection, empowering us to live beyond our wildest dreams. In addition, he dwells in us by the Holy Spirit by whose inbreathing we see Scripture rightly and are equipped to follow our Savior.

This changes all of life. This shapes how we exist in relation to God, in relation to others and circumstances. In Christ, we will not fear, though political landscapes rattle, though the mighty towers of our culture fall. In Christ, we will not be anxious on the open waters of unknown provision and challenges of tomorrow. In Christ, instead of plotting our own voyage, we are directed on our way by wave upon wave of his grace.

Today, come what may, God is our refuge and strength. Jesus is our bastion and blessing. The Spirit is our very present help at all times. Let it sink in and live.

The Spokesman Savior


“Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world.” -Hebrews 1:1–2

God has been speaking to his people for ages. He had done it through prophets of old, but now he has spoken through Jesus. The God-man has become the final spokesman. He is the exact imprint and radiance of God. His word is final and sufficient. He is the spokesman Savior.

This is not important to us only so we will know who is speaking in the New Testament, but really so that we will know that what he says is truth. The words of Jesus are as powerful today as they were when he created the universe — so what he says about you bears significant, eternal weight.

What is it Jesus says about you if you believe in him? That you are forgiven. That you are free from the dominion of sin. That you are a co-heir with him for all of eternity. That you are filled with the Spirit which empowers you to call God your Father. That there is no condemnation for you, ever. That he is not ashamed of you. That nothing can come between you and his love.

This is just a sample of the good news of knowing Jesus. The goodness will never be exhausted, not even for eternity.

Today, why not revel a bit in the things Jesus says of you in him? Rest in his arms. Trust in his plan. Be free.”