
Passing it On


Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. Make them known to your children and your children's children[.]” -Deuteronomy 4:9

You have received a wonderful goodness. You have been given the Gospel, the good news of Jesus, his life, death, and resurrection for you. You have been invited in and made a child of God and now live to hear his call to obedience and true life. It is really good stuff. It is freedom, purpose, and passion as a gift for you. But it is not just for your benefit. It is meant for others, it is meant to be your legacy.

Our posture now in Christ is to continue in remembering, knowing the goodness of his Gospel. We return to it over and over again because we are likely to forget it in a world that suggests justification is impossible. But we have seen how Jesus redeemed his people, and we desire for this truth to overflow from our transformed hearts all the days of our lives.

We now live for passing it on. This Old Testament direction is about passing on the story of the redemption of Israel and the law of the Lord. For those who believe in Jesus, our story is of the redemption achieved on the cross for us. It is this good news that we pass on to generations — to our children and their children. This is the most valuable of legacies. Whether we pass on wealth or a famous name or even physical attributes, matters little. But if we pass on the greatest news in cosmic history, roots will be buried deeply, and lives will be forever changed.

Today, contemplate who your children are (they might not be related to you!) and endeavor to pass on this story of redemption to them. May your soul be encouraged; their lives, transformed.

Headed in the Right Direction


“He will swallow up death forever; and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from all faces, and the reproach of his people he will take away from all the earth, for the LORD has spoken.” -Isaiah 25:8

This is where we are headed. To the final day of death to the end of tears and to the comfort and shared glory of his people. Isaiah gives us the prophetic image, Revelation gives it as well. In Christ, this will be yours.

Because of Jesus' work to redeem you and gift you his righteousness, you are now secure in him and headed to this eternity without pain, suffering, tears, sin, heartbreaks, or hurt. You have an existence of peace and pleasure (but not in the way we might define it in our day). You can be pleased solely in Jesus, his presence, his perfection, his radiance.

We are headed in the right direction if eternity with Jesus is our destination. We live so much of our lives wanting this without articulating it. We exercise, we eat right, we care for loved ones, we play it safe—all that we might prolong our days that they would not be cut short or tainted by death.

But there is coming a day, not far from now, when it will be dealt with. There will be no anxiety toward death because it won't exist. There will be the full range of redeemed emotion, joy, and passion.

Today, be reminded of this destination. Look to it with expectancy and live now with the joy you know will fully be yours on that day.