
The Surprise of the Kingdom


“And again he said, “To what shall I compare the kingdom of God? It is like leaven that a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, until it was all leavened.” -Luke 13:20–21

How else can Jesus describe the kingdom of God? How about a kingdom that comes on you like a surprise! It is like hidden leaven that invisibly gets all the dough to rise.

This is the kingdom we are part of as believers in Jesus. A kingdom that keeps expanding, even when the culture says it shouldn't. New lives freed in Christ. New purpose. New identity. It is an infiltrating kingdom that spreads and will until Jesus returns to reign forever.

How is this to encourage you today? Know that you are part of something unstoppable and rising. There are others who will hear of Jesus and come to faith in him, spreading the kingdom to further reaches and bring light to dark places.

You also have a role in this kingdom, to bring glory to our king. You do this by living in response to his grace, and for more of him—not for the trappings of the world.

Today, live well. Know you are part of the kingdom that will take many by surprise. Celebrate what Jesus has done for you, and share it with others.

Doing Good, Even to Haters


“And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them.” -Luke 6:31

Every now and again, we think we would give better advice than Jesus. Here he is telling his followers to love their enemies and do to others as we would have them do to us. The golden rule. Boy, that is rich! Can't we just use people for our gain and pour hot oil on our enemies? Can't we just have victory instead of being door mats?

But Jesus actually has the better way, and he empowers us to live in it. In fact, he became the cosmic doormat so that you could love with an uncommon love. So that you could see the image your haters bear and be gracious to them. So that you could treat others how you wish to be treated—with courtesy, kindness, and care.

It seems a hefty burden to even remember that I can treat people differently; but Jesus took on the cross for you, are you are now free to live the golden rule.

Today, be reminded as you read the Word to live differently, to live out the love you have received in Christ. Be reminded again of Jesus' unwavering goodness toward you, his love for you, and his power to love the haters.

Let this goodness fill you that some of it might spill out on others today, for Christ's glory!