
Cleansed Hearts

And God, who knows the heart, bore witness to them, by giving them the Holy Spirit just as he did to us, and he made no distinction between us and them, having cleansed their hearts by faith.” -Acts 15:8–9

This statement comes during one of the most glorious episodes in the life of the early church. This is when the church begins to grow, and everyone, without racial or ethnic distinction, can hear the Gospel. The question before the Jerusalem Council was, “Can Gentiles (those not of Jewish lineage and ritual) be Christian? Did Jesus only save Jews, or is his grace and the kingdom available to all?

Peter has had a vision and preached to Gentiles, so he speaks, and this is what he declares: God bore witness to Jews' and Gentiles' ability to be in Christ. By giving them the Holy Spirit, he has removed the past distinctions. God has cleansed their hearts by faith.

There are two praise-generating items here. First, the good news is open to those we least expect. That means you! Because of this work of the Spirit, you are now invited in, and there are no classes of Christians; we are all saved by Jesus, and there is no distinction among us.

Secondly, if you believe in Jesus, if the Holy Spirit has transformed your heart and dwells in you, your heart is cleansed by faith. Your broken, sickly, worldly heart is washed and beats for something different. Fully cleansed in Christ. New. Sparkling, even!

I don't know about you, but this puts a little pep in my step. This is exciting. You are part of a kingdom where old distinctions don't hold, and your heart has been cleansed by faith!

Acknowledged Before The Father

But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven[.]” -Matthew 10:30–32

Sending his disciples out to proclaim the good news, Jesus warns them that violence will come on them as opposition stands in the way. But they are to give without pay what they receive without paying. That is something. You can't buy your way into relationship with God, but Jesus loves to gift it to you.

In this gift, in this receiving, the disciples (and we who follow their lead) have nothing to fear in life or death. All of the hairs of our head are numbered, and we are more valuable than a flock of sparrows. Everyone who acknowledges Jesus before men will be acknowledged by Jesus before the Father in heaven.

You will be presented blameless before the throne as you are in Christ. His righteousness will be your covering; his word of approval and his acknowledgment, your gifts. Secured by him, preserved by him.

Therefore, we have nothing to fear. We can proclaim Christ, we can speak of his goodness and grace and be opposed; yet nothing can happen that lessens or harms his approval. Once and for all, fear not.