March 13, 2024

Sunday we see mystery revealed that shapes humility and mission. Let’s worship together. 10 am, 2437 S Centre City Parkway in Escondido. Bring your friends.

Youth this Sunday | St. Patrick’s Day Bowling with Roger and Becca after service. The students will grab lunch and learn all the Ungs have to teach them about bowling as a Christian! RSVP to Roger or Becca. Transportation may be need to Mira Mesa.

Good Friday | We will host Good Friday worship and contemplation on Friday, March 29 at 6 pm. Plan to join us.

Remember GX: His Workers

In GX, there are many families serving G, full-time and part-time. They face many challenges, such as adapting to the climate, culture shock, financial pressures, and challenges with children’s education.

And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” Rom 10:15

May He be with the families He has called and with those who serve Him. May He strengthen their faith, build their marriages, provide for all their needs, and help them raise children with grace, wisdom and unity.