Holy Week 2024

Sunday is our resurrection celebration. We will take a break from our study of Ephesians to see the power of the resurrection of Christ for us. Join us at our new Sunday location, the Escondido Columbus Club, 515 W Valley Pkwy, 10 am. This is a family service, so kids will stay in worship with adults but we will have an egg hunt! Arrive at 9:30 for local coffee and connection.

Good Friday | Closing out our time at 2437 S Centre City, we will host Good Friday worship and contemplation this Friday, March 29 at 6 pm. Plan to join us.

Remember GX: Younger Generation

The younger generation in this country are influenced by many strongholds of darkness. Their parents and society tell them to work hard for money and pleasure. This card depicting the money god was given to a college student striving to enter a master’s program. This Good Book was given to him at an internship. 

Ask for the young people of this generation to turn from worldly values to know Him and seek Him. May they find their worth and purpose in JC.

What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?
Mat 16:26