Bloomin' GX: Idolatry and Ancestor Worship

In GX, the issue of idol worship has always been very serious. Elder family members require younger generations to follow many traditions related to idol and ancestor worship. How to deal wisely with these traditions, maintain a harmonious relationship with family members, guide them to know G, and remove idols from the home has always been a major challenge for believers.

 Be careful not to forget the covenant of the L your G that he made with you; do not make for yourselves an idol in the form of anything the L your G has forbidden. For the L your G is a consuming fire, a jealous G. Deuteronomy 4:23-24

Ask the HS to guide us, let us have the wisdom to resolve the traditional customs of idol worship and ancestor worship. Let our family members know Him and open their hearts to accept the true and only G.

How do we advocate and care?

Click the link to the site to view the video.

This video sharked some thinking in me. It is geared toward foster care and adoption but shows through the illustration of the river how helping can be different from several angles.

I think Reservoir represents all of them. We advocate for other churches to serve those with disabilities and those in the foster care system. We support those providing care. And some of us are opening our home, loving neighbors with needs, and sacrificing for the least around us.

Where do you fit in?

As you think and pray about it, reach out to someone else at Reservoir to spark up a conversation about how you are feeling called and help us help you find resources to accomplish whatever it is you run after.