Smells of Summer

School is coming to an end, May grey is giving way to June gloom, and it is starting to smell like summer. Even so we carry on in our study of Ephesians for the month of June. This week we look at how living “in the Lord” rescripts how we interact with parents, children, bosses, and coworkers. Swing by at 9:30 for coffee and donut holes, 10 am for worship and the word. 515 W Valley Parkway in Escondido.

Read the Word | Summer is like a fresh start. Why not pick up that Bible reading plan again or start something new to get yourself in the word daily? Let someone in your small group know what you are up to or invite someone to join you in a reading plan.

Bloomin' GX: One Over All

In GX, there is a custom where people burn incense and honor their ancestors during festivals, regardless of whether they are based on the lunar or solar calendar. This custom runs deep, particularly among those who come from rural backgrounds. It has been passed down from generation to generation, and shapes the beliefs and practices of GX's people. 

Pr for the people of GX to have the chance to know that there is only one true G in this world, and that everyone shall worship Him instead of attributing divinity to other entities.

The Lord will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one Lord, and his name the only name. Zechariah 14:9