Do It Again!
Pastor Jonathan Shradar preaches on Isaiah 63:15-64:12. Revival prayer is the humble crying out in hunger for more of God.
Sermon notes.
Small group questions:
What are some of the characteristics of those we think to be "mighty prayer warriors?"
What are the things that stoke our prayerfulness and how does the grace of Christ motivate more prayer in us?
What are some key ways we can be reminded of God's historical moves?
What would God's felt presence be like in our day?
How can we grow our hunger for revival?
From His Pain to Our Peace
Pastor Jonathan Shradar preaches on Isaiah 52:13-53:12. The beginning of the good news about Jesus is his substitution for us on the cross.
Small group questions
Why are we culturally averse to labeling things in our lives sin? How does owning our sin (calling it what it is) benefit us?
If Jesus was the model person why would he be despised? What are the hardest things about Jesus for you to esteem or believe?
How does this substitution on the cross impact your life not just for eternity but now?
What is our motivation to take the message of Jesus and his cross to the neighborhoods and nations?
How does the cross empower you to bring a redemptive influence where you work and live?