2 Corinthians

New Creation

Pastor Jonathan Shradar preaches on 2 Corinthians 4:1-6. Living for the Light looks different.

Sermon notes.

Small group questions:

What are the things that keep us from living as peculiar people against the backdrop of the prevailing way of the world?

What does it mean to have an experience of Jesus' presence? How do we have it?

Why does meeting Jesus make us what to introduce him to others?

What are areas we need to repent and return to Jesus as we go through this pandemic?

Forgiveness as a Rule of Life

Pastor Jonathan Shradar preaches on 2 Corinthians 2:5-11. Forgive to stand firm in the faith.

Sermon notes.

Small group questions:

In a world so “discipline-adverse” how do we live calling each other to something more? 

What keeps us from extending forgiveness specifically inside the church but also in other relationships?

How can we remind each other of the forgiveness we receive in Jesus?

Why does a culture of forgiveness glorify Christ and how can we live this out together? 

Living from Yes

Pastor Jonathan Shradar preaches from 2 Corinthians 1:12-2:4. A life centered on Jesus brings flourishing and joy.

Sermon notes.

Small group s questions:

What most forms the way we interact with other people and does the gospel really inform that or just our evangelistic appeals? 

How does finding our justification in Jesus change how we approach the usual ways we find approval or acceptance?

How does the “Yes” of Jesus actually speak into all areas of life?

What are the things we can do together to ensure that Jesus is the center of our lives and church? 

Humbled to Hope

Pastor Jonathan Shradar preaches on 2 Corinthians 1:8-11. Followers of Jesus move from despair to hope as we persevere in prayer.

Sermon notes.

Small group questions:

How can a life of independence go wrong? What are signs to watch for?

What does relying on God practically look like for you?

What makes us forget or shy away from asking for prayer? How can we safely be more vulnerable in community?

How does the answered prayers of the saints highlight reliance on God and draw others to look to Jesus? Can we be about this?