Enter God Mode
Lawrence Leung preached on Isaiah 37:8-38. We enter God mode when we recognize the power of God and rely on it to carry us through war for the glory of God.
In Whom do you Trust? (An Enemy’s Strategy Guide)
Lawrence Leung preaches on Isaiah 36-37:7. Let us know and cling to the power of God when the enemy taunts, “In whom do you now trust?”
Small group questions:
Sennacherib tried to throw Judah in chaos and shake their trust in God. How does the enemy distract or discourage you from trusting in God today?
What areas in the knowledge of God do you lack and want to increase in understanding?
What promises does the world offer that are tempting to put your trust in?
How can we “activate God mode”? How can we practice or increase our trusting in God? How can Reservoir Church help?