Humbled to Hope
Pastor Jonathan Shradar preaches on 2 Corinthians 1:8-11. Followers of Jesus move from despair to hope as we persevere in prayer.
Sermon notes.
Small group questions:
How can a life of independence go wrong? What are signs to watch for?
What does relying on God practically look like for you?
What makes us forget or shy away from asking for prayer? How can we safely be more vulnerable in community?
How does the answered prayers of the saints highlight reliance on God and draw others to look to Jesus? Can we be about this?
Unshakeable Hope
Pastor Jonathan Shradar preaches on 2 Corinthians 1:3-7. Followers of Jesus face affliction with the unshakeable hope found in the mercy of God and share that comfort with others.
Sermon notes.
Small group questions:
Why is affliction normative for the Christian? Wouldn’t it be better if faith in Jesus moved us to “easy street?”
How has the Lord comforted you recently in affliction?
What are some of the ways we extend comfort to one another in the church? How does vulnerability make that easier or more meaningful?
How can we extend the comfort of Christ in our neighborhoods and workplaces? What are some steps you plan to take?
Let Us Also Go
God is zealous for his glory and we have the mission to bring it to the ends of the earth.
Keep the conversation going…
What are the things that keep us from having the same heart for the nations, really different people, that Jesus has?
How can we stir our desire to see the lost won for Christ in our neighborhoods and beyond?
What are some of the ways the Lord may be disrupting your life for his glory?
How can we as a church reach and serve the nations that come to our doorstep?
Building Together
Pastor Jonathan Shradar preaches on 2 Corinthians 1:1-2. The church is formed to own and exposed the grace and peace of Christ.
Sermon notes
Keep the conversation going…
How do we combat the independent spirit of our age and embrace our identity as the church?
What are the ways we can ensure we are owning the grace and peace of Christ?
How does being “saints” fuel us for life and confidence in Christ’s purpose for us?
How do you feel called to expose the gospel and how can we support you in it?