New Creation
Pastor Jonathan Shradar preaches on 2 Corinthians 4:1-6. Living for the Light looks different.
Sermon notes.
Small group questions:
What are the things that keep us from living as peculiar people against the backdrop of the prevailing way of the world?
What does it mean to have an experience of Jesus' presence? How do we have it?
Why does meeting Jesus make us what to introduce him to others?
What are areas we need to repent and return to Jesus as we go through this pandemic?
Transforming Glory
Pastor Jonathan Shradar preaches on 2 Corinthians 3:7-18. The new covenant makes a new you.
Sermon notes.
Small group questions:
Why is being transformed more into Christlikeness appealing?
How do we ensure we are positioned for transformation from glory to glory?
How are you being transformed in this pandemic? What are the things you need to surrender to Jesus?
We Need a Resurrection - Easter 2020
Pastor Jonathan Shradar preaches from John 11:17-27. Jesus is the resurrection and the life.
Sermon notes.
Small group questions:
How can we trust Christ's resurrection actually happened?
What does the experience of fullness of life now feel like?
What are the things that keep us from believing in Jesus, believing that his saving work is finished and that he loves us? How do we, and the resurrection combat those?
How does the resurrection send us outward to share in this life?
The Coming Dawn
Pastor Jonathan Shradar preaches on Matthew 21:1-11. Jesus hears the cries of his people. Palm Sunday.
Sermon notes.
Small group questions:
How does a humble King comfort you? Why doesn't he wage physical war?
Jesus is gentle and lowly, meaning he reaches you in the same way, caring and tender. Why is this appealing to you?
Thew crowd cries "save us" without really knowing what they are asking for. What is it we are asking for when we cry "save us?"
Who can you tell this week about the humble King and his coming dawn?