Jonathan Shradar Jonathan Shradar

Finding Sufficiency

Pastor Jonathan Shradar preaches on 2 Corinthians 9:1-15. Find your sufficiency in Jesus.

Sermon notes

Questions to keep the conversation going":

What are the things we are inclined to add to Jesus? The things we think we need to be comfortable or thrive.

Why are we inclined this way to pursue idols when Jesus is to be our sufficiency?

How do we put ourselves in the place to be reminded and awakened to the truth that Jesus is sufficient for us, his grace, his provision?

Is being a witness a priority in your life? How is that reflected in how you spend time and treasure?

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2 Corinthians Jonathan Shradar 2 Corinthians Jonathan Shradar

Don't Go It Alone

Pastor Jonathan Shradar preaches on 2 Corinthians 8:16-24. The church can be an honorable image of the Kingdom of God.

Sermon notes

Questions to keep the conversation going:

How do we know what is "honorable?"

In a land of rugged individualism, how do we do life and ministry in partnership with others? Why does this feel like such a sacrifice?

What are some of the ways we as a church can image the Kingdom of God in this pandemic season?

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2 Corinthians Jonathan Shradar 2 Corinthians Jonathan Shradar

Distracted Generosity

Pastor Jonathan preaches on 2 Corinthians 8:1-15.

Sermon notes

Questions to keep the conversation going:

Why are our finances so hard to surrender to Jesus in generosity?

How do we gauge exactly what generosity is to look like, financially, with our time, passions, all things?

How would an incomplete view of the grace of Jesus stunt our generosity?

What are some of the ways the Spirit is calling and equipping you for generosity?

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