Hypocrites All
Pastor Jonathan Shradar preaches on Matthew 7:1-12. Jesus loves hypocrites, but he won’t leave us that way.
Sermon notes.
Questions to keep the conversation going:
Why are we so quick to judge or hypocritically evaluate the lives of others? What do we gain from it?
What are some steps to take to ensure we are “log-free” before holding each other to account in the church?
Why does Jesus emphasize seeking or prayer so much in the Sermon on the Mount? How do we make it a priority?
How is an end to hypocrisy appealing to those watching the church and what does it say of Jesus?
Pastor Jonathan Shradar preaches on Matthew 6:19-34. Live day by day treasuring and trusting Jesus.
Sermon notes.
Questions to keep the conversation going:
How can we ensure that the good things we pursue in life don’t become idols and draw us away from kingdom priorities?
What does it look like in your life to live for the treasure Jesus tells us to pile up?
Why do you think anxiety is so prevalent in our age? How does Jesus’ exhortation equip us to avoid worry and anxiety?
How does the community of faith help us treasure and trust Jesus and prioritize the Kingdom?
Simple, Secret Love and Longing
Pastor Jonathan Shradar preaches on Matthew 6:1-18. Followers of Jesus reject self to serve our sovereign.
Sermon notes.
Questions to keep the conversation going:
How do we know when we are living under the authority of self versus Jesus?
What are some steps you can take today to rightly align yourself with the Kingdom Ethic Jesus has taught?
What is the role your faith community plays in keeping you accountable to the Kingdom Ethic?
Keep Them Guessing
Pastor Jonathan Shradar preaches on Matthew 5:31-48. Jesus takes the law deeper and brings our lives higher.
Sermon notes
Questions to keep the conversation going:
Jesus seems to invite us into increasingly difficult acts of living here, how do we find the motivation to begin and to keep going?
How do we know when we are mature like the Scripture says we should be?
What is our hope when we fail to live this way? Does it mean we are out of the Kingdom?
How can Christian community keep us accountable to this Kingdom Ethic?