Justice Demanded Justice Given
Pastor Jonathan Shradar preaches on Amos. God demands justice FROM and delivers it FOR his people.
Sermon notes.
Questions to keep the conversation going:
How do you define biblical justice? In what ways does the align with modern calls for justice?
What are the marks of getting justice wrong? How do we know we have become the oppressor?
Does the church have a role in pursuing justice in the world?
What steps can you take to engage with those on the margins? How can we do this together?
Awaken Our Souls
Pastor Jonathan Shradar preaches on Joel. The soul of the church is awakened by the patience and provision of God.
Sermon notes
Questions to keep the conversation going:
How can we discipline ourselves to live repentance as part of life?
What are some of the ways we cope with suffering or difficult events when they happen? How does knowing God has purpose in all of it help us?
How does the community of faith spur one another on to repentance?
How does the provision of God carry us through life?
What is it like to invite others into relationship with Christ?
He Alone is Merciful
Pastor Jonathan Shradar preaches on Hosea. God alone is merciful.
Sermon notes.
Questions to keep the conversation going:
It can seem easier to recognize idolatry in others before we see it in our own hearts. How do we learn to see our own?
How does the mercy of God keep us from pursuing other lesser things?
What is the role of the community of faith in spurring on our faithfulness to Jesus?
We are never beyond the opportunity for repentance. What are the things you find yourself repenting of in the light of Hosea?
What Now?
Pastor Jonathan Shradar preaches on Philippians 3:12-4:1
Sermon notes
Go Deeper:
Where do you find the strength to press on in this season?
How does imitation of Christ make us more fully alive?
In the year to come, how can we practically live out our citizenship of heaven?
How does this faith community sharpen and refine each other? What can we do to commit to that more?