Jonathan Shradar preaches on Galatians 1:1-5. The gospel reorients all of life by securing our past, present, and future.
Sermon notes
Questions to keep the conversation going:
Why are we averse to "looking back?" How does looking to the cross recast how we see our own history?
How does the motivation for the cross being God's will compel us to live in light of it?
What does being delivered from the present evil age look like in our cultural moment?
How does the gospel recalibrate how we treat each other in the church?
Why would the hope of eternity bolster us in the present?
The Body is Different
Jonathan Shradar preaches on Ephesians 2:11-22. The gospel unifies those that are different for the glory of Jesus.
Sermon notes.
Questions to keep the conversation going:
What are the things that get in the way of experiencing unity in the church? How do we combat those things?
How can we have an increasingly global view of the kingdom to recognize the vast difference of those in Christ?
Why would Jesus desire for us to learn to set aside our rights or preferences for the sake of the kingdom?
How can we celebrate each other more given our differences?
The Body is Formed
Jonathan Shradar preaches on Acts 2:1-24. The church is formed by the Spirit for the glory of Christ.
Sermon notes
Questions to keep the conversation going:
Are there ways to ensure the church is formed for the right things rather than just a crowd gathered around lesser things than the gospel and the work of the Spirit?
Have you experienced powerful moves of the Spirit in the church? How can we posture ourselves to see more of the move of the Spirit among us?
This preaching makes the church dependant on the Spirit and work of Christ. How does dependence actually serve us as a people?
What keeps us from witnessing? Who are we praying for and speaking to that they might be saved? How can we support each other in this?
The Body is Honest
Jonathan Shradar preaches on lamenting as a church from Ephesians 5:15-20. Lament is essential for the health and wholeness of the church.
Sermon notes
Questions to keep the conversation going:
Why do we feel like we have to put on a "good face" around others in the church?
How does being honest about our pains and troubles bring us closer to health and wholeness?
In the aspects of lament (turning, complaint, asking, trust), which is most difficult for you and why?
How can you support, and the body encourage, those in seasons of lament?