Galatians Jonathan Shradar Galatians Jonathan Shradar

Christian Liberty

Jonathan Shradar preaches on Galatians 5:1-6. The liberty we need is reliance.

Sermon notes.

Keep the convo going::

In what ways are we drawn back into slavery as Paul describes it in our day?

How do we know we are being rightly discipled?

How does the good news of Jesus' finished work really keep us from slavery?

What are the things we can do in community that guard against the lure of legalism?

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Galatians Jonathan Shradar Galatians Jonathan Shradar

Two Kingdoms

Jonathan Shradar preaches on Galatians 4:21-31. The gospel is a song that keeps us where we belong.

Sermon notes.

Keep the convo going:

What is so appealing about the law?

In what ways do we add law to following Jesus?

How do we ensure we are hearing and singing the gospel song?

Is following this gracious Jesus just delusional? Can it be real, this freedom?

Why does this freedom make us live differently?

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Galatians Jonathan Shradar Galatians Jonathan Shradar

Christ Formed in You

Jonathan Shradar preaches on Galatians 4:12-20. The church would be better off if Christians were less impressed.

Sermon notes.

Keep the Convo Going:

Why is it hard for us to form lasting discipleship relationships?

How does discipleship guard us against false teaching or anti-gospel lies?

Can you think of the people you are called to disciple? What steps can you take to make it happen?

Why would we want to live so sacrificially when we could stay safe and comfortable on our own?

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Galatians Jonathan Shradar Galatians Jonathan Shradar

Running in Reverse

Jonathan Shradar preaches on Galatians 4:8-11. Grace takes you all the way.

Sermon notes.

Keep the convo going:

In what ways do we "go in reverse" in our walk with Jesus?

How can we ensure we don't go the wrong direction?

Why is grace so hard to believe and embrace?

What is the role of the church and our community in keeping the gospel ever before us?

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