Galatians Jonathan Shradar Galatians Jonathan Shradar

Embattled Life

Jonathan Shradar preaches on Galatians 5:16-26. Those that belong to Jesus are helped in the struggle by the Spirit.

Sermon notes.

Keep thinking and believing:

Should the Christian life be easy with struggle and pain?

How can we find hope when we realize how often we fall for the desires of the flesh?

How do we gain more ground as we grow? Where do we run to sin less?

How can the community of faith fight together? What are the things we need to do to make this a safe place to fight sin?

Does the hope of the horizon, the end of sin and dwelling with Christ, gives us the resolve to keep going? If not, how do we find it?

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Galatians Jonathan Shradar Galatians Jonathan Shradar

The Taste of Death

Jonathan Shradar preaches on Galatians 5:7-15. There is a death that is good for us.

Sermon notes.

Keep the convo going:

Why does loving our neighbor as ourselves become such a difficult thing?

How does dying to self actually work something worthwhile in us?

If Christlikeness is our goal and destination, what can we do walk in his way?

How can the family of the church stir these things among us?

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Galatians Jonathan Shradar Galatians Jonathan Shradar

Christian Liberty

Jonathan Shradar preaches on Galatians 5:1-6. The liberty we need is reliance.

Sermon notes.

Keep the convo going::

In what ways are we drawn back into slavery as Paul describes it in our day?

How do we know we are being rightly discipled?

How does the good news of Jesus' finished work really keep us from slavery?

What are the things we can do in community that guard against the lure of legalism?

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