What Then Should We Do?
Jonathan Shradar preaches on Luke 3:1-22. Christians live for others because Jesus lived and died for us.
Sermon notes
Think about it…
We live in a culture that rather not label things or talk about sin. Why is it important for us to recognize the ways we reject God and his way?
Why are we usually inclined away from living for others? How do we shift how we prioritize self over others?
Why is it vital to preach the good news to include the woe of sin and need?
Forgiveness is the forgotten quotient in our day. How does forgiveness move us into the best life?
Jesus enters into your need through baptism. Do you struggle to believe the welcome of the Father, approval, is yours in Christ? How can you remedy that?
Growing Up
Jonathan Shradar preaches on Luke 2:39-52. Jesus is human so we can be too.
Sermon notes
Think about it:
Why is it a comfort that Jesus is fully human?
What are the things that hold us back from experiencing the fullness of life we have in Jesus?
How does the grace of Christ empower you to live "fully human?"
What can you do to engage or disciple everyone who makes up the church?
The Regular
Jonathan Shradar preaches on Luke 2:1-38. Jesus works his good in and through regular events and regular people.
Sermon notes.
Think about it…
Why is the lowly arrival of Jesus meaningful and important? What does it say about who Jesus is for?
Shepherds had no business being visited by Angels, they were outcasts. Who are the people in our day that we would be surprised Jesus goes after?
If Jesus works through regular events how should we face our daily routine?
If these regular people can make Jesus known, what are the ways we can do so in our day?
Praise & Prophecy
Jonathan Shradar preaches on Luke 1. The way of Jesus sings promise and pardon.
Sermon notes
Keep thinking…
Why is it a comfort to know that this is the plan of God all along? Do you realize that he chose you to be his? How is life different because this is true?
Why is this forgiveness good? Why not make humans earn their way to God?
How does the forgiveness you have in Jesus empower you to live differently now?
Who can you remind of this promise and pardon in the way of Jesus?