Who Does He Think He Is?!


Then those who were at table with him began to say among themselves, “Who is this, who even forgives sins?” -Luke 7:49 

The truth of Christ is utterly confounding to so many. It just doesn't make any sense that God himself would come among the brokenness of this earth and live in the muck and mire. Then in perfection he would take on punishment his life would never warrant but ours would. Then he would claim us, those without much to offer, to be his children. 

This is exactly what Jesus came to accomplish; along the way, he healed the sick and forgave the sinners. The religious leaders of the day questioned it, for he was acting like God, forgiving sins. 

That is the glorious reality we are supposed to catch in this dinner exchange in Luke 7. Jesus is God, with the authority to forgive sins, to heal the sick, mend the lame, and make whole again what sin corrupted. 

Today, this is whom you follow. The sin-forgiving, self-sacrificing Creator and Savior of the world chose you, died in your place, and gives you real, worthwhile life in him. Rest in his authority and care as you go through the day. Know that he is in control. Know that he has forgiven you by his cross. Know that he has a purpose and path for you. Know that he is for you. 

Live fully in this awareness of the One who can forgive sins, Jesus.