August 5, 2020


Sunday we gain some equipping for our day, for the war of words that we find ourselves in among the crossfire vitriol and opinion. Paul prepares the church in 2 Corinthians 10:1-6 for the war that is raging and gives us tremendous hope in the power of humility, the power of Christ. Tune in or join us on the patio at 10 am for worship and the word.

Connecting in-person | While our Sunday gatherings look different it will be vitally important in the months ahead to fight against loneliness and isolation by meeting safely in person. Small groups are active and meeting every week. But you can also add other meetings as well. We can do this in driveways, backyards, parks and along the beach. With masks when six extra feet isn’t available. Study Scripture, prayer for one another, catch up. Be the church. Plan your meeting today.

Requesting Prayer | Our website has a prayer request submission form that we encourage you to use to send in how our team can be lifting you up. Visit today.