Straighten Up and Raise Your Heads


“Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” -Luke 21:28

Oh the glorious return of Jesus. We can waste far too much time speculating when it will happen and exactly what will take place, but the point we can't miss is that Jesus returns for his church, for final redemption. At this arrival we can change our posture and look up with confidence because what was promised has come.

The Gospel reality is that we don't have to wait for this straightening and head-raising — we can do that now because of what has already been delivered to us in Christ. Our redemption secured on the cross of Calvary. The Son of Man has given us new life through his resurrection. He has empowered us by the gift of the Holy Spirit. Now we have forgiveness from sin, new purpose, and a new identity in Christ. At these truths, we can have that same confidence as that final moment because the king has delivered both of them.

Today, remind yourself of your redemption in Christ. Let it change your posture and raise your head. Jesus is for you, and he is returning to claim those who are his.