August 26, 2020


Sunday we will meet yet again with the recurring theme of 2 Corinthians, weakness and the Christian life. It isn’t our favorite topic, who would admit if it was?! But it is a needed reminder and there is resurrection life in the midst of it. 2 Corinthians 11:16-33. Join us online at or on our patio at 10 am Sunday morning.

Monitoring State Guidelines | The State is due to publish new guidelines for businesses and religious orgs in light of counties coming off of the state watch list. Since San Diego will be beyond it’s waiting period on September 1 we expect there will be an opportunity for us to meet in person again. We will continue to follow the guidance for meeting so stay tuned for more information. We will do our best to prevent any virus spread among us so more of us can participate when we are together!

Women’s Prayer | Tuesday, September 1, 10 am. Ladies we will gather at the church next Tuesday for our monthly prayer. Plan to join us.