Newsletter July 27, 2016

Sunday we zoom in on 1 Corinthians 1:2 and think about the global reality of the church and that we are called to be "saints together" with all that call upon Jesus. Let's gather together Sunday at 10am at Del Norte High and talk about the vast kingdom togetherness that is ours in Christ. 

Members Vote: Sunday after service there will be a quick vote on the proposed amendment to the Book of Church order concerning Interim Leaders. Members, please plan to stick around for a couple of minutes. 

Pool Party: Sunday afternoon, Family Pool Party! Families with young kids, young couples and singles, come out at 2:30 for a pool party and time to connect at the Shirley’s in Escondido. Bring your own food and fixings and we will fire up the grill after we get a good soak in! (All are welcome, but for empty nesters, we will have a party for you in August!)

Media Volunteers: Looking for a place to serve once a month? Sign up for our projection team. Contact Scott 


Newsletter August 4, 2016


Where Do I Fit In?