Newsletter August 4, 2016


We can get so caught up in playing favorites that we never experience unity, the harmony the church is meant to have - the thing Jesus prays for! Sunday we are looking at an appeal to unity in 1 Corinthians 1:10-17, it is the church Undivided in Christ. Join us to sing of our Savior, and to savor Jesus in his Word; 10am at Del Norte High School in 4S Ranch. 

Students in the Park: Sunday, August 14th at 3pm, Rancho Bernardo Park. Middle and High School students and parents come out for some fun as we kick off the fall season. RSVP on The City. For more info talk to Bryce

Prayer Walks Tuesdays: Every Tuesday at 4pm we meet in 4S/Rancho Bernardo and prayer walk for one hour. Praying for the church and our community. Join us. Find the meeting location on the City.

Hello My Name is Grace: Sunday after service come and chat with our elders to learn more about Grace Church. We will meet in the courtyard with some coffee and let you know the recipe to the secret sauce. The first Sunday of every month is the perfect chance to find out more about who we are, where we've been, what we are about and where we think we are headed! 


Newsletter August 11, 2016


Newsletter July 27, 2016