Newsletter April 26, 2017
Sunday we are back into our study of 1 Corinthians which is coming to its end. 1 Corinthians 15:35-49 presents the vision for glorification - being like Christ - as the great hope of the resurrection of believers. This vision also drives our vigor for life now, giving us expectant hope. Sunday, April 30 at 10 am Del Norte High's Performing Arts Center.
Leaders Dinner - This Saturday ministry leaders will gather for a meal and meeting about Revision 2017 and how our ministries can continue to flourish together. Thank you to all who lead!
Spring into a Grace Group – Going it alone is the worst. Find a group. Latch on. Meet Jesus together. More
Serving at Grace – If you are up for it, we will train you! Serve in audio, media, worship, hospitality and Children’s ministry. Sign up
Covenant Membership – Register now. After service on Sunday the 21st we will host a membership lunch where you can hear more about the church and what it means to be a member. You can register online here.