Sharing the Cool Water

Pastor Jonathan's Monday Reflection:

Just as we share in Adam and will know death, so in Christ we are being made alive. What great hope this is for us. Death is no longer the end or the answer. Instead, we live from the work of Christ's resurrection, and toward our promised resurrection in him, to glory. And now, we are being transformed by his grace, moment by moment as we lean into Jesus. 

This life then is something. Meant to be spectacular, even in the mundane, because we belong to Christ and our destiny is determined, signed, sealed and delivered. So we become different than what is depicted in media as normal in our day. We live for relationships and opportunity to set our "self" aside and labor for the good of others. We prioritize circumstances and tasks in life different. We value things that are eternal, not temporary. 

The truth is though that figuring out what this life in response to the gospel looks like for each of us is not meant for one-size fits all, as if we could copy a singular model, and it is meant to be deciphered and implement it in community with one another. 

This is each believer making space in our lives for other believers. Giving them access to who we are and what we think. Letting them challenge us, bolster us and carry us when things get tough. This is us drenching each other in the cool water of the gospel of Christ - his grace and goodness. 

My prayer for us as a church today is that we would dive into this type of community. That we would endeavor to care for each other's souls and douse one another in the grace of Jesus that we would be transformed, refreshed, and relieved by it. Who can you pour the bucket on this week? Let's be about it as we live from the work of Christ, toward that glorious day when he returns. 


Catechesis and Our Kids


Newsletter April 26, 2017