Newsletter January 10, 2018
We live in a buy and sell economy. If you want something bad enough, you just need to pay the price to get it. But God's economy works differently. In fact, the powerful gifts he gives the church are not for sale, they can't be earned or conjured up. We will encounter this truth in our study of Acts 8 this Sunday at 10 am. Join us at Del Norte High for worship and community.
Interim Leader Nominations - We have entered a new season with two vacancies on our elder council and we wait for new elders to be called we are able to fill these spots with interim leaders that lend their voice to our business meeting. Male members of Reservoir matching biblical requirements for deacons and elders are eligible. The commitment is one Monday evening a month for a meeting (usually 7 - 9 pm). To nominate someone, email
Sunday Prayer - The time for Sunday morning pre-service prayer is changing! We will now gather in the auditorium at 9:30 to pray for the gathering and our city. All are welcome. We will wrap up with ten minutes or so to greet before the service begins. Since we desire to be a church that prays, we want to make the opportunities more accessible. Join us this Sunday at 9:30 am for prayer!
2017 Finances - As a church, we ended the calendar year adding to our reserve account for the first time in four years! God truly has provided for us and we trust he will bring us to our 2018 goals. Thank you for your financial partnership and continued faithfulness to the church.