The Unlikely Church
Pastor Jonathan's Monday reflection:
This weekend we hosted a brunch to honor all of the members of Reservoir Church who served in ministries in 2017. Few things indicate to people that you value them more than bacon. So we ate and had fun with this wonderful group of friends that make up our church.
During the brunch, I mentioned to Lawrence what I was preparing to preach from Acts 8. He responded that it sounded a lot like our Advent look at the shepherds, the misfits made messengers of the King! For a brief second, I freaked, worried I only preach one sermon over and over again. But relief came when we together realized that this is the way of Jesus. He always uses the unlikely for his purpose. And this message is not only for us as individuals, it is for us as a church.
Reservoir is not on the lists of most innovative churches or fastest growing. But what we do have we share, Jesus. We keep coming back to the gospel of his grace because we need it, freshly applied to our lives and the reminder that it alone keeps us secure before God. This is what we offer to anyone who joins us. The good news of Jesus. No fancy lights, no showtime experience, and few ministries. But lots of Jesus.
This is our 2018. The unlikely church, seeking unlikely people to meet our glorious Savior. There is no better life. Let's be about it!