Pay Attention to What You Pay Attention To


Pastor Jonathan's Monday reflection:

Christianity unsettles the status quo. When this happens in our lives it is usually the idols we look to for fulfillment or identity that are in jeopardy. And they should be. Right?

We, in Christ, are called to lives of trust in him, identity in him, alone. Everything else is gravy and gift. Not instruments of our worth, but things to be enjoyed, or avoided, in relationship to Christ. He as the center, everything else follows. 

We know this don't we. We articulate it in small group conversations, we put on the good face on Sunday mornings. But our bank account is clearly geared toward self and little idols and never kingdom business. We spend days longing for the approval of friends or colleagues. We want to "get away" at every opportunity. The war rages, and in the grace of Christ he will unsettle our idols and bring us into something better. 

To this end brothers and sisters, pay attention to what you pay attention to. Those things might be idols that need to be thrown on the bonfire. What is taking your time, your thoughts, your energy? Maybe they are even "good" things but they are distracting you from the truth of the gospel, of who you are in Christ. Forgiven, purposed and empowered. 

It is a long road away from idolatry and into the life of fullness in Christ. And we are on this journey together. This week let's pay attention to what is taking our attention, surrender it to Jesus and hear his declaration of "It is finished" over us. 


Newsletter June 13, 2018


Newsletter June 6, 2018