Newsletter June 13, 2018
As we gather for worship on Sunday we will travel with Paul in Acts 20:1-16 to recognize some realities about ministry, then and now. Embracing the mundane for the glory of God! Join us at 10 am in Escondido, 2437 S Centre City PKWY.
Community Prayer - Tomorrow! We will gather in the church office at 7 pm for an hour of prayer for our church, our city and the world. Bring your petitions and let's seek the Lord together!
School's Out Bash - Saturday, June 16. Noon - 4 pm. Middle and High School students and families let's have a party on Moonlight Beach. Lunch provided along with games, hang time, and discussion. 400 B Street in Encinitas (between 4th and 3rd).
Bible Studies - Interested in being part of a weekly conversation in the Word? We have men's and women's studies throughout the week. Email to get plugged in.
Re:Reservoir - July 1 after service and monthly. Regarding Reservoir. Join the elders for coffee after service in the church office/CM rooms to ask questions about Reservoir, serving, becoming a member or anything else. This is an ideal opportunity for those new to the church but all are welcome.
Reservoir Women's Retreat - Mark your calendars for Saturday, September 8. We will be hosting a day-long retreat in Poway. More info to come.