Valued Conference
At Reservoir we take serious shepherding the body of believers. And a big part of that is being a safe space for children and those most vulnerable. Toward that end we are thankful for the Valued Conference being hosted here in San Diego this month.
From the conference website: “The Valued Conference has been carefully developed by churches to be a resource for churches. We seek to mobilize and equip churches and believers to: biblically, wisely, and lovingly UNDERSTAND, PREVENT, IDENTIFY, AND RESPOND TO sexual abuse and assault, as Jesus Christ’s Church.”
“Sexual abuse & assault are prevalent issues facing the Church and broader society today. Come, hear from topical experts and practitioners who will provide teaching, resources, and action-oriented next steps.”
The conference is Friday, March 22 (evening) and Saturday, March 23 at First Presbyterian in San Diego. The cost is only $30. Find out more by visiting their website.
Jonathan will be attending, please let us know if you are interested in going as well,