ReserVoice: A Vision for the Lost in Japan


This is a reflection shared by Dana Kennedy:

I lived in Japan for 4 years. They rely heavily on public train transport for work and shopping. Most cities are highly populated as most of Japan is mountainous. Japan is the size of California with 1/3 of the population of the whole United States! The cities are very crowded, as you can imagine, with the public transportation trains in large cities absolutely jammed packed!!!

The Lord gave me a vision as I got off a train one day and watched the overcrowded train cars pull out of the station. Car after car, packed with people crammed shoulder to shoulder with not one smile, pulling out of the station. I imagined it looked like what perhaps a cargo car full of Jews going to concentration death camps might have looked like back in World War II. The Lord spoke to my heart, "they too are going to their physical and spiritual death if no one shares the good news of my gospel of new life in Christ with them." It awakened within me a new heart for the lost. We are all dead in our sin and without hope. The gospel message brings new life and hope to those that believe in God's gracious plan of salvation.

"How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?" Romans 10:14

Dear Lord, awaken in me a heart for the lost! Give me a chance to share my story of Christ's love with someone who needs to hear it. May the unreligious in Japan hear, believe, and hope in Jesus.


Newsletter February 27, 2019


Valued Conference