Watercooler May 22, 2019


Buckle up. This Sunday we tackle Isaiah 34 & 35 thinking through the destination of the world, those that oppose God and the song of those that he has ransomed. Bring someone you like to sit by and get ready to sing to Jesus. 10 am 2437 S Centre City PKWY in Escondido.

PRAYING FOR MUSLIMS | Our prayer journey for the world continues, focusing on Muslims this month. Let's continue to pray, tracking with our posts, these inspiring short prayer videos, or the prayer guides available at the church.

Prophecy Workshop | Saturday, June 22, 1-4 pm. We are welcoming Ed and Barbara Meyer from Southlands Church to bring some teaching on prophecy and the life of the church. We are planning to provide childcare  as well. It will be a time of worship, learning and seeking after the Lord. Please register here.


Baptism | Ready to make a public proclamation of your faith in Christ through baptism? June 9 we will have the tank ready for those wanting to be raised with Christ. Sign up or ask your questions at hello@reservoirchurchsd.org.

Membership Seminar | Interested in learning more about Covenantal Membership at Reservoir? Drop a line at hello@reservoirchurchsd.org to let us know as we plan our next evening seminar about membership. Coming soon!

Cross-Cultural Hosting Opportunity | Host a foreign exchange student from the basque region of Spain! The students are here June 25-July 23. They are all high school age (14-17 years old), and you even get to choose your student! It’s fun to go through their pictures and profiles and choose the student you want to spend the summer with. They all speak English and come with all their own spending money. The students are so eager and excited to come to America (many of them for the first time) and learn about our culture. This opportunity is not only culturally educational, but it’s also a great at home missions opportunity where we can expose these kids to church and the love of God! Contact Lauren Balcombe for more info Stepintosd@gmail.com.


Watercooler May 29, 2019


The Watercooler May 15, 2019