Watercooler May 29, 2019
We have so benefited from our study of Isaiah and we continue again this next Sunday with chapters 36-37:7. In Whom Do You Trust? We will worship together at 10 am at 2437 S Centre City PKWY in Escondido. Brings friends and enemies, that we all would meet Jesus.
Baptism | Ready to make a public proclamation of your faith in Christ through baptism? June 9 we will have the tank ready for those wanting to be raised with Christ. Sign up or ask your questions at hello@reservoirchurchsd.org.
Membership Seminar | Interested in learning more about Covenantal Membership at Reservoir? Drop a line at hello@reservoirchurchsd.org to let us know as we plan our next evening seminar about membership. Coming soon!
Prophecy Workshop | Saturday, June 22, 1-4 pm. We are welcoming Ed and Barbara Meyer from Southlands Church to bring some teaching on prophecy and the life of the church. We are planning to provide childcare as well. It will be a time of worship, learning and seeking after the Lord. Please register here.
Summer Devotion | Have you thought about how you might reclaim so time this summer for study of the Word and pursuing Jesus? Why not talk it over with family and your small group.