Watercooler June 12, 2019


Seth Hanson will be taking up residence in the Reservoir pulpit this Sunday as we open Isaiah 38 & 39. Cash in your chips and worship with us at 10 am. 2437 S Centre City PKWY in the Hidden City.

Students | Next Sunday, June 23, after service. We will have our school-year end party. Plan to attend.

Ministry Workshop | If we believe the gift of prophecy continues today, how do we go about seeking it and testing it? A team from Southlands Church will be with us on June 22, Saturday, from 1 - 4 pm to lead us in worship and training to seek the Spirit among us. It is free to register, but you will have to commit to coming! And you should. Pop over here and register.

No Discontents in July | We will be taking a month off from our weekly prayer meeting and coming back in the fall with a new mode of bringing the church together for prayer. Stay tuned. Until then, we will continue to pray at 7 pm Thursdays in June.


Watercooler June 19, 2019


Watercooler June 5, 2019