Watercooler June 5, 2019
Sunday we hear the follow up to last week’s stellar sermon. Enter God Mode. Isaiah 37. We will also be celebrating high school graduates and baptisms during the service. It is a great Sunday to make sure you are part of the family. 10 am at 2437 S Centre City PKWY in Escondido.
Baptism | Ready to make a public proclamation of your faith in Christ through baptism? This Sunday, June 9, we will have the tank ready for those wanting to be raised with Christ. Sign up or ask your questions at hello@reservoirchurchsd.org.
Discontents Prayer | Thursday at 7 pm we will use our weekly prayer gathering to petition the Lord on behalf of Tribal people. Come and join the fun.
Students | Save the date, June 23, after service. We will have our school-year end party. Plan to attend.
Missions at Reservoir | Char in South America says.... "Thank you for all your prayer over the past several days. I'm SO excited to report that you have given enough to cover this whole trip, including the last bit needed for the Miracle 139 part. Thank you for partnering with me and God! I arrived in Paraguay yesterday, safe and sound, and it feels right and familiar!" Let's remember to pray for her and her team.
Summer Rhythms | Are you being intentional this summer about slowing down and resting? Are you taking new steps to tap into the rest of Christ as well? Make sure to make the effort to see, hear, and speak of Jesus’ grace this year like never before.