Watercooler July 17, 2019

Sunday we are taking a little diversion and looking in on Mark 6:45-52. Our friend Matt Larsen will be down from Southlands Brea to open the word for us. Join in the worship of Jesus at 10 am, 2437 S Centre City PKWY in Escondido.

Buddy Break | We will be back in action shortly! Whether you're a regular volunteer or you haven't attended been trained yet, come for our summer training session on Saturday, July 27 at noon. Lunch included! Please RSVP to Janice at buddybreak@reservoirchurchsd.org or 559-824-8777.


Men's Theology | Beginning August 19 (3rd Monday every month). We will be studying the Gospel Fluency Handbook. $20. Sign up at hello@reservoir.church.

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Women’s Retreat | Save the date, October 26. A one-day retreat looking at Psalm 145 and encouraging each other.


Watercooler July 24, 2019


Update from the field