Watercooler July 24, 2019


Sunday Jonathan is back in the pulpit as we pick up in Isaiah 42. Jesus the servant of God will quietly build his kingdom with broken sinners and worship of him will cover the earth. Join in on that worship, 10 am 2437 S Centre City PKWY in Escondido.

Buddy Break | Training this Saturday! Whether you're a regular volunteer or you haven't attended been trained yet, come for our summer training session on Saturday, July 27 at noon. Lunch included! Please RSVP to Janice at buddybreak@reservoirchurchsd.org or 559-824-8777.


Men’s Theology | We get cracking on the Gospel Fluency Handbook next month (which is just a week away). Handbooks will be available this Sunday after service ($20). If the price is out of reach for you please holler at Jonathan. Women - you don’t have to be left out. Find a group of ladies and grab the handbook and work through it together!

Women’s Retreat | Speaking of ladies, mark your calendar for October 26. It is going to be a full day together worshiping our great God.


Book to Read: Broken for Blessing


Watercooler July 17, 2019