Bigger than Buildings


“But will God indeed dwell on the earth? Behold, heaven and the highest heaven cannot contain you; how much less this house that I have built!” -1 Kings 8:27

Solomon had built a grand structure, a temple for the Creator of all. But he was under no delusion that God could be contained; that he would be boxed in to a square room. 

God is bigger than the buildings our minds erect for him. He can't be contained, and he is beyond us and all imagination. In his bigness, from his fullness, he came and lived among us to meet a perfect standard for us and grant life to us. 

 Even in his uncontainable greatness, he heard his people, he made a way for relationship, and he delivered on a promise to have an heir of David's throne reign forever. We now benefit from this great news and are set for an eternity of learning more about this big God. 

Today, don't let your vision of God be confined to the mini temple you are prone to construct. See him revealed in Scripture and recognize the greatness and grace toward you.


October 7, 2020


September 30, 2020